Play Projects, LLC began in 1998 as an architectural study.  Play in architecture is created by an exchange / interplay between people and their surroundings.  When people play with their environment, they cease being observers and become participants.  They act in an environment that offers a multitude of choices and opportunities.  Individuals initiate action and become causal beings with capabilities and capacities.  Participants experience a freedom to engage in their surroundings and orchestrate their own course of action.  Architecture that allows freedom for action becomes an environment that offers a multitude of choices and opportunities.  Participants experience a freedom to engage in their surroundings and orchestrate their own course of action.  Architecture that allows freedom for action becomes an environment that is alive, animate, inviting the passerby to investigate and play. 

Play is a fundamental, inherent aspect of life.  Human beings have a need to play:  to be creative, imaginative and resourceful.  Play is a means to which we can explore ourselves and understand the values of life, solidifying our identities in the process.  Play revitalizes strength, agility and the imagination.  Without play, these crucial elements of our being would atrophy and dissipate.  A playful environment is one in which we are allowed to explore and discover.  An architecture that uncovers, challenges and fosters the potentials of the human body as well as the mind.  Play in art - photography, painting and projects - looks to create work that allows for such creativity, self-exploration and understanding.

Much peace, love, happiness ........ and art ....... from us to you.